As Summer Ends, Here are the Trends that Need to Go

Editor: Priyanka Saxena on Sep 22,2017

Summer in the America brings scorching heat to practically the whole country. This brings a host of new fashion trends and looks that people young and old will be trying to look hip and modern. With the summer season, less clothing is worn, looser clothing is worn and an emphasis on beachwear is obvious. So what are the trends that should have never got off the ground? Glamour Magazine recently came out with an article of what summer trends “need to die”. We will share a few of those and add a few of our own.

Cut-out swimsuits: Are they trying to be revealing? Or are they trying to be retro? They seemed confusing and a hassle to put on for some. And it’s not the most flattering of outfits. If you can pull it off, cool. If you can put it on, even better.

Speedos: Even if you are in Williamsburg and you are wearing one just to be ironic, quit it. It’s not cool unless you are a rich European man wearing one alongside his model girlfriend on his yacht. That is the only time one can wear a speedo.

Socks and sandals: Worse than that, socks and birkenstocks. And the cardinal sin of them all, socks and flip flops. It breaks the laws of fashion and physics.

Flat bill hats: The greatest identifier of males born after 1990 to those born before it is the flat bill hat. It’s a trend and all the rappers, skaters and extreme athletes are doing. Which is why it should stop. Not to buck the trend, but young males now look like cookie cutter marketing groups than trendsetters.

Any shirt with Asian characters: It’s only cool if you bought the item from Asia. Then they can tell you the character for “peace” is actually a woman under a roof. The Cheng Beer shirt looks cool, but you should tell people you bought it in Thailand, not Urban Outfitters.

Visors: There are only two groups of people who should wear visors: Senior citizens that are driving in the daytime and professional golfers. Recreational golfers, don’t even try.

Fluorescent hair: I think it’s nice to want to look different and “punkish”. Lady Gaga did it in 2009 and Cyndi Lauper did it in 1984. You’re not going down the less traveled path. Don’t even think about tattoos, boy bands and lower back art on women ruined tattoos for the next two generations.

Mullets: You want to look like your favorite DJ or maybe it’s a retro 80’s or 70’s look. Don’t do it unless the rest of the backwoods town is. Mullets belong in two places: the pond and at Nascar grandstands.

Beards: Please shave during summer. Because beards with a knit beanie in the middle of summer in Phoenix does not make you look edgy, alternative or artsy. It makes you look insane.

As summer winds down, people will continue to push the fashion envelope or otherwise. There are some things to try and not to try. If you feel comfortable with a certain look, make sure it fits you and has the right lines. But make sure it is sensible. Fashion is like architecture, function over appearance. You can blur the line at times, but use common sense.


Image credit: Austin Donisan on Flickr



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